What is ADO ?

ADO is a multi-utility token that supports the ADO ecosystem. Apart from being able to trade ADO tokens, you can also make use of a wide variety of additional benefits that come along with it

ADO Burning Mechanism

ADO Protocol will continue decreasing the total supply of ADO tokens with the help of a regular burning mechanism, which should in turn increase the value of the token in the long run.

10% Buy/Sell Tax
Each transaction on the DEX is taxed and distributed to the smart contract for future use
5% Buy-Back and burn
It buys ADO from the Liquidity Pool and sends it to the burn address
5% Improving liquidity
Adds ADO and BNB to the liquidity pool, making the price more stable
Double LP between BNB and stablecoin
99% of the Liquidity Pool can be switched anytime between BNB and BUSD
Price stability
Buy-Back tax has different speeds to switch between buy-back and liquidity adding
Multi-level Referral Program
Invite your friends and earn up to 10% commission every time they purchase from our swap for 365 days.

ADO Token Opportunities

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Unique Referral Program

Gain up to 10% in ADO via ADO Protocol Referral Program

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Smart contract design, execution, audit, and even a test medium on our TestNet

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Audience Boosy

Increase your audience and improve statistics through media support

1 ADO:
Max Supply:
Total supply:
Circulating supply:
Total Burned:
Market Cap: